Thursday, January 27, 2011

LATER has arrived

I can not believe its been a yr and half since I have blogged. Time flies whether you are having fun or not. It is easy to let things go, thinking I will get to that later....later just never arrives. Well it is here now, so here we go.

I have picked my scrapbooking back up after this break (blogging wasn't the only thing that got dropped) and find that it is still fun and that I really do enjoy it, so no more breaks.....have made a goal to scrapbook at least 3 days a week for 15 mins. I went to Crop Connection a couple of weeks ago and got 48 pages done :) and got bit by the bug to do more scrap fests which has led to a creative way to pay for my fun....

I have stared couponing....I know it sounds strange, but on my first trip out this week I saved over $65 plus got a $10 rebate, register rewards toward my next purchase, and a free pedometer. I think that is doing pretty good for a first time. And I am putting that savings toward my next trip ;)

We are still homeschooling...and it is still working for us. Well, maybe if I paid more attention, I bought 2nd grade curricula (grade H is supposed to be in) last July, and he had it finished by Sept. WOW....well I wasn't going to let him take the WHOLE year off....LOL (although I think he would have) so I looked for more for him to do. In this process decided that I was going to change styles....met someone doing the Charlotte Mason method, and that is what we are doing now....I figure that by the time H graduates high school I will be getting into the groove of homeschooling ;)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Oh Man, did it fly by.

Wow, I can't believe that it has been 2 mths since I have posted. Wow time flies. But we have done alot around here too. Our days have been packed. For a recap:

H and I went to Flagstaff, AZ for 7 wonderful days, we played in the pool, played mini golf, watched movies, went to the Lowell Observatory, went to Williams, AZ and rode the train to the Grand Canyon and walked the rim of the canyon, and did site seeing on the way out and back, so it made a nice 2 week vacation. And fun was had. Lots of it. I will try to post some pics later.

Since being home we are still playing in the pool and doing TKD and spending time with family and friends, so much to do and so little time to do it in.

I am now in the process of doing my lesson plans for homeschooling, have lots of neat ideas and fun things to do. Cannot wait to get some of this started. Got the classroom set up and ready to rock and roll for this year, still tweaking a few things, but will figure it out as we go.

Now onto TKD, still in the instructor training program and absolutely loving it. I love that the kids flock to me even when I am sitting in the lobby as H's Mom. They will come up to me to give me a hug and want me to tie their belts. It is neat. We have had another tournament, this one in Birmingham, and H got a bronze medal in forms, and I got bronze in free design. But let me tell you the ladies 35 and over group for blue and sr. blue ROCKs, we had 10 or 11 women in one ring, and let me tell you it was one tough group. Met some new people and enjoyed ourselves alot.

Hope to be able to spend some more time with family and friends before the schools start here in a couple of weeks. Enjoy the rest of your summer. We Are!!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Boy time is is already the end of May. Wow I can't believe that...time flies, whether you are having fun or not. Alot has happened around here.....have been so busy with some things that HAVE to be DONE now, we all know what that is like. Got all that done now hope to be able to work out a new normal around here! A new routine, one that will allow H and I to have some more "beautiful days" together. That is the phrase I heard several times this evening...H would say "Mommy today was a beautiful day wasn't it (it rained all day) we got to spend time playing together...Mommy it was a beautiful day. I Love you!!" Man doesn't that make your heart does mine. I intend to have alot more days like today.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Yes, I am still here.

Man time has gotten away from me. So much has happened since my last post. A small recap,

I joined the Instructor training at TKD and am loving it. It is so awesome to be able to teach the kids something I love so much and when they nearly tackle you to hug you is an AWESOME feeling. We have done another tournament and Hudson brought home honorable mention and I brought home Gold in Free Design and Silver in Sparring, lost the gold to another lady in my academy, so its cool. I am now a Sr. Blue belt and a level 1 instructor since we had testing a couple of weeks ago. Hopefully will get back into TKD this week.

Even more has changed in my life, so we will be reworking those routines once again, I do much better with some kind of routine in my life.

Now on to the biggest change in my Life. My Daddy passed away Easter Morning. He is in a much better place and is not in pain any longer, but my heart is absolutely broken. He was an AWESOME man to have for a father, and we spent alot of time together over my lifetime. I was a Daddy's girl even at my age, there was nothing that we couldn't talk about and if I needed anything he was just a phone call away. After I won my first medals in TKD last year I HAD to take them by the hospital on my way home so HE could show them off. LOL He started calling me the Kung Fu Kid. We got to spend an afternoon together just recently and he wanted to make sure that I would be okay. What to watch out for and how to handle somethings. Then proceeded to tell me how proud he was of me and my life. He will be greatly missed. I LOVE YOU DADDY.

Monday, February 23, 2009

I'm still kicking

Folks, I am still here just extremely busy, like you don't have that kind of life either. Between homeschooling, Daddy, TKD, (and I just added a free design to do at tournament.), Dr's appts. and trying to keep up with the house there just aren't enough hrs. in a day some days. But I am trying out some new routines to see if they will work better for this crazy woman. I will try to find some time soon to post some pictures.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Teach Day

Weds. was my 1st teach day at TKD. Had a case of the nerves because I did not really know what to expect (I like to know details ahead of time.) and had never done anything like this. Sure, I have subbed at our local school and at Hudsons Pre-K but this is different. One thing is it is evening hrs. and these kids (& teachers) are kept active. Mr. Greene talked with me just before the 1st class about what to expect and what my duties would be and told me he thought I would be great at this. It will take time to learn all the kids names and build a relationship with them but I am looking forward to that. Eventually, I would like to teach TKD for a living, when Hudson is older (he wants to join instructor training, too). How cool would that be to have something we can both enjoy together when he is a teenager (assuming he will still think it is cool to have a Mom doing and teaching TKD).

Speaking of TKD, Hudson and I will be ramping up our classes and private lessons because we have a tournament in a couple of weeks. We both just got new colored belts so that means we both have new forms to learn and Hudson needs to learn his sparring steps. So, alot to get done in such a short time, especially for those of us who can't remember what we had or if we even had breakfast!!!! LOL

Sunday, February 8, 2009

WOO-HOO!!! I did it!!!

I got my blue belt in TKD friday night at awards ceremony. (Sorry about 1st Friday girls. Love you still.) That's a good thing but the biggest deal about it is......I met a goal in TKD, I joined the Instructor training program. Yesterday was spent at TKD in the instructor training and Weds. will be my 1st day to work at TKD. I am so excited. (& yet very nervous.) I have some awesome instructors and I have picked one for a mentor. She ROCKS. I hope to be 1/4 the Instructor that she is. Next testing I will test to become senior blue and test to get my red stripe as an instructor. I cannot believe the turns my life has made. Never in a Million yrs. would I have thought my goals would involve martial arts or teaching martial arts. MY MY what a little maturity will do to us.