Saturday, November 29, 2008

Car Trouble Part 2

On the way to the games today my car started acting up again. (the side the dealership would not fix a couple of weeks ago because it was not bad enough.) Well guess what it is bad enough now. It started acting up without any warning and in the middle of holiday traffic. (glad I did not leave for Disney World yesterday like we were going too.) I must admit I lost my cool with the guy at the dealership and told him this would not have happened if they had fixed it when they had it. He was real nice to me and kept his cool and let me calm down (I then apologized to him) and said he was on his way with a used car for me to use while they have mine. We were a little late for the basketball game and had to unload everthing from my car, in front of the coliseum no less, (hey it's a mom mobile) so the tow truck could tow my car and I would have the necessary stuff with me. Let's hope it does not take long to get the car repaired this time and that they remember to rehook everything so we don't have a repeat of the "giggles"

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.
Hudson is thankful for his "feasts." He has had 2 meals in 2 hours. Poor boy was beside himself when I cooked Ham Steak w/ scrambled eggs, O.J., & decaf coffee for his breakfast. Then he had Turkey, english peas, mashed pots w/ gravy, and homemade cranberry compote. Now he's worried if we might miss supper. LOL Where does he put all of that food?
I am thankful for my family and friends. We were not able to spend Thankgiving with my parents this year, Daddy had his chemo treatment Tues., but we are very thankful that we still have him with us. I am very thankful for my wonderful friends who have been there for me through everything. (including heeding the call to homeschool Hudson.) And I am most thankful for being Hudsons Mom.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Awards Night

This is my new belt and 2 of my instructors.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Awards Night

Okay ya'll I know you have been holding your breath waiting for me to post these pics, so before anyone passes out (LOL) here they are.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Even more reason

Well I have given even more people reason to think I have lost my mind. I am going to homeschool Hudson after the 1st of the year. I am going to let him finish this semester out while I get things organized, lessons figured out and materials purchased. This is something that was on my heart along time ago, but he needed speech help that I could not provide. He is now fine with his speech and I can continue to help in that area now. But the Lord has called me to homeschool. (He had to work hard to get my attention, because I wasn't listening. NOOO! not me Lord, you know I can't do that.) Guess what I can do that, through him and we are looking forward to it. Just keep us in your prayers because this is a BIG step for all of us.

This plus everything else (TKD, Yoga, Scrapbooking) gives most of my family reson to think I have Lost My Mind. Yes, I have, but I am really enjoying the new me lately.

Awards Night

Tonight is awards night at TKD. The night you receive your new belt if you passed testing. Hudon and I both tested, so tonight we should both have new colored belts. So much fun. I will post some pics later.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


OK Season finally started. Last night our Lady Eagles had their 1st home game, it was good. Boy did I miss watching them play, I really enjoy myself. Still do not understand some of the calls, but am trying to pay attention and learn. Their next game is Thurs at S. Ala, and looks like we are going.....Can you say ROAD TRIP. (Too bad I don't like to travel. LOL) Go Eagles.

Anybody that has known me awhile thinks I have REALLY LOST MY MIND, I have never cared for sports (except Nascar)(loved Dale Earnhardt.) Now this is my 3rd season with the Lady Eagles (loving every moment.). This summer I started TKD and just a few weeks ago I joined Yoga, oh man I am really enjoying both to those. (Sports and exercise have never been something I have been guilty of til now;p) I do have one other activity that causes some laughs in my family, Scrapbooking, simply because I was the one that went to all the functions without a camera. Now I almost always have my camera with me, do not want to miss a good shot.

I have learned one thing over the past couple of years. Life is too short (sometimes extremely so) too let it pass you by. I am going to enjoy what time I have and fill my son's life and my life with some wonderful happy memories. Enjoy it you only get one chance at life.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Testing and Nerves

Okay I did it. I finally did a regular testing and not a late test in TKD. (traveling, I have missed past regulars.) Was not as bad as I thought it would be. (What little mind I do have left can run amok.) A really close friend of mine told me last night before testing, that if I could do tournament then I could do testing, because here these people knew me and supported me. I did not embarass myself my throwing up, falling down, or by totally drawing a blank on what I was supposed to do. (Can you tell I really get a case of the nerves.) But by facing all these testings in front of everyone I hope I am building my confidence. BLACK BELT here I come. (still a ways off.)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Car Trouble

Calvin took my car in this morning and got it fixed. When they were fixing it yesterday they unhooked the rear air diverter and when they reconneted it the gasket did not get put on, so hence all the nice fumes I inhaled, therefore the MAJOR headache with the giggles, Blurry vision, and slow brain. Glad I didn't drive any further than I did.

Veteran's Day

I want to take a moment to thank all of our veterans. It is because of your willingness to serve our country to protect our freedoms that we can live like we do.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Car Trouble

Got one thing fixed on the car, only to have something else go wrong with it. I now have exhaust fumes in the cabin of the car. Does not make for a nice ride although I might be pretty funny tipsy acting after driving home and finally realizing what the problem was. (Brain was slower than usual.) Glad the babysitter picked Hudson up and he did not ride with me anymore tonight. So back to the dealership she goes tomorrow. Except for the fumes she sure rides smooth again.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

"Awesomest Party"

The biggest hit of the day Seymour the Eagle. The kids absolutely loved him.

The party boy eating cake. (we did not have forks.) The cake.

The Lady Eagles with the party group. The kids were so excited about the whole deal.

The party was a HUGE HIT. The kids had the best time ever and it was a mother's dream for a party. Seriously, all I did was order the pizza to be delivered. (I know it was a hard job, but someone had to do it. :-) ), everything else was taken care of. The kids enjoyed the party but were really excited about the game too. And they got a good show, the Lady Eagles were awesome, they won the game 96 to 56.
So if you are like me and want an "awesome" party for the kids with little for you to do, this is it. Hope they keep this up cause I will so do this again.
By the way, guess you noticed the pics were not done when we got home. Sorry about that, but the hostess of that party came home and went to bed. Yep, you read that right, I came home and (I think I even beat the Birthday Boy to bed) went to bed. Think I am going to take a nap today too.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


I am up and trying to recover from 1st Friday. Back in the day I could have stayed up that late and still gone all day(but I also did not wake up at 5:30 A.M. either). Today is Hudson's birthday party with the Lady Eagles, ya'll he is so excited ( I am so sleepy.) But as Hudson says "this is going to be the awesomest party ever!!!" And today Mommy likes the fact that I just show up. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH the simple things in life. Does not take much to make this chick happy.

Last night ROCKED, I had a good time talking with friends, but ya'll the creative ideas this chick came up with blew even my mind. Those are some neat pages. Like I said last night, the yoga must be helping get oxygen to my brain, because it sure was working last night.

Gotta go, housework is calling me...I will try to get some party pics up later this evening if I am still semi functioning....

Friday, November 7, 2008


Motherhood is the toughest job you will ever have. No sick days, no vacation days, no time off, underpaid, and overworked, but the benefits are the best you will ever have......Unlimited kisses and hugs, unconditional love and trust, snuggles, and all around good time. If I had had a paying job this morning I do not think my boss would have been as understanding as Hudson was. Today was cowboy parade day at school and we missed it. I was going to take Hudson to school early so I would be sure to be there today, ( I missed brown bag concert day). When I started the car this morning I knew it was not right, the service engine soon light stayed on and the car was missing really bad, took the car straight to the shop and borrowed my BIL minivan so I could take Hudson to school but by the time we got there the parade was over. And my wonderful little boy gave me the best hug and told me it was OKAY mommy you could not help it. I felt absolutely bad for him but he still got to play the games so everything was okay. I will make it to something of his at school for him. I am the luckiest mother in the world.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I just want to thank ya'll for all the prayers on my Daddy's behalf. He is doing good so far, just a little nausea. Just keep praying that he will continue to feel good and that this will work. He had his 1st chemo yesterday and will have another one in three weeks.

We are getting ready for the cowboy parade at school tomorrow, it starts bright and early. I don't know if that is all that is going on or if there is something else. Just have to remember the camera and the cowboy outfit. ;-) If we get through in time I hope to make it to yoga tomorrow. I always thought yoga was new agey kind of stuff, but I enjoy it. Never hurts to try something one time, you might actually suprise yourself and find something you really enjoy. I have done that twice lately, once with Tae Kwon Do & now with yoga. It is not just hype when they tell you it will help with flexability, make you feel younger, and in my case I have lost 18 lbs so far. I Looooovvve my classes.
Hudson and I both are in the midst of preparing for testing for our next belt. So if you should happen to see us, we haven't lost our minds, we are practicing our stuff. Hudson thinks that it is neat that I am in TKD and he enjoys it when we do have the chance to work out at home together.( I really need to make more time for that.) I hope he still enjoys having Mommy in TKD when he is a teenager. Someone told me "The family that kicks together sticks together"

Well folks I just got a better offer, Hudson wants to go look at the Moon & Stars together so I am gone.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Help, I can't move

Maybe, doing yoga and Tkd both today was not such a smart idea!!!! I am a little sore.(LOL) I did both classes together on both Tues. and Thurs. last week and did not seem to have this problem. I grant you I have had a busier day than usual today, but do not think that should make a difference. Yoga was a great class and in TKD I got to do a great deal of sparring with a really good partner, a whole lotta workout, folks. Cannot believe I get that excited over a workout and leave ready to do another.

Please pray for my father, he will start his chemo treatments tomorrow.

Being Responsible

GO VOTE!!! I have already done my civic duty and voted. Do not think just because who you support might not win.... GO VOTE....he will not win if you do not get out there and cast your ballot. Do not depend on someone else to get your guy elected.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Tae Kwon Do

This is our group that went to Chattanooga for the tournament. We all have our medals on for pics to be sent to our local papers. I am the Green Belt in the center with the very big smile and Hudson is the cutie on the right in the front row. My Daddy is having a blast telling everyone he knows (and even some he doesn't) that I won the bronze medal in sparring and that Hudson won the silver in forms. He calls me the Kung Fu Kid. You are never to old to learn new things, I am learning more lately and am absolutely having a good time.

I know I promised pics from our elephant ride at the circus but My HP program seems to have deleted that album and one more just for the fun of it, and I had not printed those pics yet, so if Shannon & I can't figure it out they are lost. I am not happy about that.

Becoming Tech Savy

I hope I am finally getting all this done. I think I just figured out how to e-mail pics via photobucket, I have figured out how to put pics on the blog and FB, and I connected my son's new games, I either did a really great job or I just wasted a whole lot of time. LOL. I am really hoping that I did a great job.

Supposed to have gone to the Lady Eagles Basketball Game today, but with my days as busy as they have been and no slow down in sight, I had too much to do at home, namely all of the above, plus make cupcakes for party at school tomorrow, keep the washer going, and get ready for a birthday at home tomorrow and a birthday party Saturday, and all the things that Moms have to do.

I am going to take this time to get serious for a minute. I really would like to ask everyone to pray for my Daddy, he goes to the Dr. tomorrow to set up his chemo treatments,just remember him in your prayers.