Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

I hope everyone has a great 2009.

I made the executive decision to let Hudson stay up to see the New Year in tonight;) He thought that was a great idea. Just got back in from watching all the fireworks in the Hood. FYI, we sat in the truck in the driveway, because it is verrrrry cold outside. We just welcomed in our 1st New Year in together (awake). Way Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my last post I asked for prayer for McMamma and Stellan. They did not have to put Stellan on the vent, in fact all the prayers have worked, the last time I checked in Stellan had been moved out of the PICU to a regular room on the floor and is off the oxygen completely. Our God is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

We are still here

I am baaack. Ya'll it stinks to be sick for Christmas and nearly 2 weeks before that. I did not even finish all of my shopping. But we had a good CHRISTmas anyway. I will post some pics later. CHRISTmas is alot more fun with a child in the house. I loved watching Hudson as he opened all of his presents. I think he tried everything out that morning, too funny.

Ya'll I follow McMomma's blog @ and her 8 wk old son has been sedated and put on the vent. He has RSV. They need your prayers. This little boy is already a miracle. Please pray for McMomma and McMuffin (Stellan).

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Snow Day Pics

Proud of his snowman
Just a little cold

our yard

Him thinking he would actually throw that snowball at his Mother!!!!!

Yep, that is snow you see in the pictures, I know it is hard to believe that we had that much snow in So MS. And to top it all off that is the 2nd time this year. If this keeps up I might have to move to a warmer clime. I mean come on I live in So. MS for a reason. Oh, ok you got me, I live here because this is where the action is. I mean come on with my friends and family around it is the hotspot, the place to be. LOL

Santa's Visit

Yep, thats right Santa came to see Hudson last week, to get his list in person. Hudson thought this was so cooool. I wished I had a video camera when Santa came up the sidewalk going HO HO HO Hudson. His eyes got so big. I had not told him Santa was coming just that someone would be stopping by for a few minutes. So guess who is the "awesomest" Mommy ever. I know Santa Claus. Thanks to those who did this you are pretty AWESOME yourselves. Oh, a little note THIS was the real Santa, the one they had at school for pictures was not real "I could tell by his boots, Mommy, he had on fake boots." LOL

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The 4th Picture

This is Hudson's last Tae Kwon Do class as a Tiger Cub (he moved up to the Jrs.)

I have been tagged by Erin to:

1. Choose the 4th picure folder on my computer

2. Choose 4th picture

3. Explain the picture

4. Tag 4 People to do the same

Saturday, December 6, 2008

It's Official

Okay, it's official we Hudson from school yesterday. His education now rests in my hands (could not be doing this if the Lord wasn't there to lead me.) So far, so good. We know a lot of people that home school, so that helped me out alot. Just have to get the routines revamped and going and we are going, going, gone.

On a different note, last night was 1st Friday, which around here means scrapbooking, and fellowship with friends. Thanks for all you do for us Tracie, you ROCK!!!!!!

We had another Lady Eagle Basketball Game tonight, of course they won. They beat William Carey. I do like going to the games, even though I still don't understand a lot of it, and enjoy spending time with the girls. They are some awesome young ladies. Hudson absolutely loves them.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

New Phase of Life

Tomorrow closes one chapter in mine and Hudson's life and opens another. If you have been reading we have decided to homeschool, for a variety of reasons, so Friday will be our 1st day to homeschool. We are both excited and nervous about this. Please just keep us in your prayers.

On a bit of a different note, Santa came to visit Hudson tonight. I wish I had a video camera to capture his face when he heard Santa Ho Ho Ho ing coming up the sidewalk then he went Ho Ho Hudson on the porch. Hudson ran to the front door and opened it going "it's Santa." He had a nice visit with Santa and Moma got pictures. He was so excited. Thank you Santa, you made a little boy's night.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Car Trouble Part 2

On the way to the games today my car started acting up again. (the side the dealership would not fix a couple of weeks ago because it was not bad enough.) Well guess what it is bad enough now. It started acting up without any warning and in the middle of holiday traffic. (glad I did not leave for Disney World yesterday like we were going too.) I must admit I lost my cool with the guy at the dealership and told him this would not have happened if they had fixed it when they had it. He was real nice to me and kept his cool and let me calm down (I then apologized to him) and said he was on his way with a used car for me to use while they have mine. We were a little late for the basketball game and had to unload everthing from my car, in front of the coliseum no less, (hey it's a mom mobile) so the tow truck could tow my car and I would have the necessary stuff with me. Let's hope it does not take long to get the car repaired this time and that they remember to rehook everything so we don't have a repeat of the "giggles"

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.
Hudson is thankful for his "feasts." He has had 2 meals in 2 hours. Poor boy was beside himself when I cooked Ham Steak w/ scrambled eggs, O.J., & decaf coffee for his breakfast. Then he had Turkey, english peas, mashed pots w/ gravy, and homemade cranberry compote. Now he's worried if we might miss supper. LOL Where does he put all of that food?
I am thankful for my family and friends. We were not able to spend Thankgiving with my parents this year, Daddy had his chemo treatment Tues., but we are very thankful that we still have him with us. I am very thankful for my wonderful friends who have been there for me through everything. (including heeding the call to homeschool Hudson.) And I am most thankful for being Hudsons Mom.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Awards Night

This is my new belt and 2 of my instructors.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Awards Night

Okay ya'll I know you have been holding your breath waiting for me to post these pics, so before anyone passes out (LOL) here they are.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Even more reason

Well I have given even more people reason to think I have lost my mind. I am going to homeschool Hudson after the 1st of the year. I am going to let him finish this semester out while I get things organized, lessons figured out and materials purchased. This is something that was on my heart along time ago, but he needed speech help that I could not provide. He is now fine with his speech and I can continue to help in that area now. But the Lord has called me to homeschool. (He had to work hard to get my attention, because I wasn't listening. NOOO! not me Lord, you know I can't do that.) Guess what I can do that, through him and we are looking forward to it. Just keep us in your prayers because this is a BIG step for all of us.

This plus everything else (TKD, Yoga, Scrapbooking) gives most of my family reson to think I have Lost My Mind. Yes, I have, but I am really enjoying the new me lately.

Awards Night

Tonight is awards night at TKD. The night you receive your new belt if you passed testing. Hudon and I both tested, so tonight we should both have new colored belts. So much fun. I will post some pics later.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


OK Season finally started. Last night our Lady Eagles had their 1st home game, it was good. Boy did I miss watching them play, I really enjoy myself. Still do not understand some of the calls, but am trying to pay attention and learn. Their next game is Thurs at S. Ala, and looks like we are going.....Can you say ROAD TRIP. (Too bad I don't like to travel. LOL) Go Eagles.

Anybody that has known me awhile thinks I have REALLY LOST MY MIND, I have never cared for sports (except Nascar)(loved Dale Earnhardt.) Now this is my 3rd season with the Lady Eagles (loving every moment.). This summer I started TKD and just a few weeks ago I joined Yoga, oh man I am really enjoying both to those. (Sports and exercise have never been something I have been guilty of til now;p) I do have one other activity that causes some laughs in my family, Scrapbooking, simply because I was the one that went to all the functions without a camera. Now I almost always have my camera with me, do not want to miss a good shot.

I have learned one thing over the past couple of years. Life is too short (sometimes extremely so) too let it pass you by. I am going to enjoy what time I have and fill my son's life and my life with some wonderful happy memories. Enjoy it you only get one chance at life.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Testing and Nerves

Okay I did it. I finally did a regular testing and not a late test in TKD. (traveling, I have missed past regulars.) Was not as bad as I thought it would be. (What little mind I do have left can run amok.) A really close friend of mine told me last night before testing, that if I could do tournament then I could do testing, because here these people knew me and supported me. I did not embarass myself my throwing up, falling down, or by totally drawing a blank on what I was supposed to do. (Can you tell I really get a case of the nerves.) But by facing all these testings in front of everyone I hope I am building my confidence. BLACK BELT here I come. (still a ways off.)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Car Trouble

Calvin took my car in this morning and got it fixed. When they were fixing it yesterday they unhooked the rear air diverter and when they reconneted it the gasket did not get put on, so hence all the nice fumes I inhaled, therefore the MAJOR headache with the giggles, Blurry vision, and slow brain. Glad I didn't drive any further than I did.

Veteran's Day

I want to take a moment to thank all of our veterans. It is because of your willingness to serve our country to protect our freedoms that we can live like we do.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Car Trouble

Got one thing fixed on the car, only to have something else go wrong with it. I now have exhaust fumes in the cabin of the car. Does not make for a nice ride although I might be pretty funny tipsy acting after driving home and finally realizing what the problem was. (Brain was slower than usual.) Glad the babysitter picked Hudson up and he did not ride with me anymore tonight. So back to the dealership she goes tomorrow. Except for the fumes she sure rides smooth again.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

"Awesomest Party"

The biggest hit of the day Seymour the Eagle. The kids absolutely loved him.

The party boy eating cake. (we did not have forks.) The cake.

The Lady Eagles with the party group. The kids were so excited about the whole deal.

The party was a HUGE HIT. The kids had the best time ever and it was a mother's dream for a party. Seriously, all I did was order the pizza to be delivered. (I know it was a hard job, but someone had to do it. :-) ), everything else was taken care of. The kids enjoyed the party but were really excited about the game too. And they got a good show, the Lady Eagles were awesome, they won the game 96 to 56.
So if you are like me and want an "awesome" party for the kids with little for you to do, this is it. Hope they keep this up cause I will so do this again.
By the way, guess you noticed the pics were not done when we got home. Sorry about that, but the hostess of that party came home and went to bed. Yep, you read that right, I came home and (I think I even beat the Birthday Boy to bed) went to bed. Think I am going to take a nap today too.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


I am up and trying to recover from 1st Friday. Back in the day I could have stayed up that late and still gone all day(but I also did not wake up at 5:30 A.M. either). Today is Hudson's birthday party with the Lady Eagles, ya'll he is so excited ( I am so sleepy.) But as Hudson says "this is going to be the awesomest party ever!!!" And today Mommy likes the fact that I just show up. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH the simple things in life. Does not take much to make this chick happy.

Last night ROCKED, I had a good time talking with friends, but ya'll the creative ideas this chick came up with blew even my mind. Those are some neat pages. Like I said last night, the yoga must be helping get oxygen to my brain, because it sure was working last night.

Gotta go, housework is calling me...I will try to get some party pics up later this evening if I am still semi functioning....

Friday, November 7, 2008


Motherhood is the toughest job you will ever have. No sick days, no vacation days, no time off, underpaid, and overworked, but the benefits are the best you will ever have......Unlimited kisses and hugs, unconditional love and trust, snuggles, and all around good time. If I had had a paying job this morning I do not think my boss would have been as understanding as Hudson was. Today was cowboy parade day at school and we missed it. I was going to take Hudson to school early so I would be sure to be there today, ( I missed brown bag concert day). When I started the car this morning I knew it was not right, the service engine soon light stayed on and the car was missing really bad, took the car straight to the shop and borrowed my BIL minivan so I could take Hudson to school but by the time we got there the parade was over. And my wonderful little boy gave me the best hug and told me it was OKAY mommy you could not help it. I felt absolutely bad for him but he still got to play the games so everything was okay. I will make it to something of his at school for him. I am the luckiest mother in the world.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I just want to thank ya'll for all the prayers on my Daddy's behalf. He is doing good so far, just a little nausea. Just keep praying that he will continue to feel good and that this will work. He had his 1st chemo yesterday and will have another one in three weeks.

We are getting ready for the cowboy parade at school tomorrow, it starts bright and early. I don't know if that is all that is going on or if there is something else. Just have to remember the camera and the cowboy outfit. ;-) If we get through in time I hope to make it to yoga tomorrow. I always thought yoga was new agey kind of stuff, but I enjoy it. Never hurts to try something one time, you might actually suprise yourself and find something you really enjoy. I have done that twice lately, once with Tae Kwon Do & now with yoga. It is not just hype when they tell you it will help with flexability, make you feel younger, and in my case I have lost 18 lbs so far. I Looooovvve my classes.
Hudson and I both are in the midst of preparing for testing for our next belt. So if you should happen to see us, we haven't lost our minds, we are practicing our stuff. Hudson thinks that it is neat that I am in TKD and he enjoys it when we do have the chance to work out at home together.( I really need to make more time for that.) I hope he still enjoys having Mommy in TKD when he is a teenager. Someone told me "The family that kicks together sticks together"

Well folks I just got a better offer, Hudson wants to go look at the Moon & Stars together so I am gone.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Help, I can't move

Maybe, doing yoga and Tkd both today was not such a smart idea!!!! I am a little sore.(LOL) I did both classes together on both Tues. and Thurs. last week and did not seem to have this problem. I grant you I have had a busier day than usual today, but do not think that should make a difference. Yoga was a great class and in TKD I got to do a great deal of sparring with a really good partner, a whole lotta workout, folks. Cannot believe I get that excited over a workout and leave ready to do another.

Please pray for my father, he will start his chemo treatments tomorrow.

Being Responsible

GO VOTE!!! I have already done my civic duty and voted. Do not think just because who you support might not win.... GO VOTE....he will not win if you do not get out there and cast your ballot. Do not depend on someone else to get your guy elected.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Tae Kwon Do

This is our group that went to Chattanooga for the tournament. We all have our medals on for pics to be sent to our local papers. I am the Green Belt in the center with the very big smile and Hudson is the cutie on the right in the front row. My Daddy is having a blast telling everyone he knows (and even some he doesn't) that I won the bronze medal in sparring and that Hudson won the silver in forms. He calls me the Kung Fu Kid. You are never to old to learn new things, I am learning more lately and am absolutely having a good time.

I know I promised pics from our elephant ride at the circus but My HP program seems to have deleted that album and one more just for the fun of it, and I had not printed those pics yet, so if Shannon & I can't figure it out they are lost. I am not happy about that.

Becoming Tech Savy

I hope I am finally getting all this done. I think I just figured out how to e-mail pics via photobucket, I have figured out how to put pics on the blog and FB, and I connected my son's new games, I either did a really great job or I just wasted a whole lot of time. LOL. I am really hoping that I did a great job.

Supposed to have gone to the Lady Eagles Basketball Game today, but with my days as busy as they have been and no slow down in sight, I had too much to do at home, namely all of the above, plus make cupcakes for party at school tomorrow, keep the washer going, and get ready for a birthday at home tomorrow and a birthday party Saturday, and all the things that Moms have to do.

I am going to take this time to get serious for a minute. I really would like to ask everyone to pray for my Daddy, he goes to the Dr. tomorrow to set up his chemo treatments,just remember him in your prayers.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Mitchell Farm

I finally figured out (or had the time at home) how to get pictures onto my blog so now I am having some fun, and can finally put pics with my journaling so when I get ready to scrapbook My brain will not have to work too hard. These pics are from when Mary Ann and I took the kids to Mitchell Farms in Collins.

Scrapbook Closet

Okay I hope I finally have this figured out. Erin, here's the pics of the Closet, the paint is still kinda wet. But doesn't it look good, can't wait to use it. (now all I have to do is bring my stuff home from Tracy's house.) LOL

Thursday, October 30, 2008


I remember when Halloween Night was Halloween Night not a weeks worth of different activities. Tonight was the fall festival at Hudsons school, I think it was a good one, I know the kids has a very good time. Now, the only thing left is the actual trick or treating tomorrow night. I think Hudson has plans on trick or treating the WHOLE neighborhood LOL.

On a scrapbooking note, the guy is working on my closet so I will have a place to scrapbook and just shut the door on instead of having to pack everything up. It looks awesome. The guy knows his stuff. He has some really great ideas.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

AHH Home

Lately, I have spent so much time in my car that I have told Calvin we could sell the house (save that money) the only thing I have done at home lately is sleep. I am looking for things to get back to normal (slow down some), I don't see that happening anytime soon.

Ya'll Yoga is awesome. The TKD academy started offering Yoga this week. I have only been 1 day so far but intend to go tomorrow. The stretching is really good plus it is an hour to yourself to take care of yourself so you can recharge your batteries to see to the family. For some one who for most of her life considered exercise (and physical activity) a dirty word, I sure have enjoyed Tae Kwon Do and now Yoga. I know I enjoy feeling this good. Come keep work out with us, either in Yoga or TKD.


Spent my morning at Tracie's house. (My second home.) LOL. Tracie has set it up so we can scrapbook once a week at her house, so Shannon and I truly take advantage of that. Tracie totally rocks. Some days we get more scrapping done some days we get more talking done, no matter what we have one good time.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fall Fun

Yesterday, my sister Mary Ann and I took the kids to Mitchell Farms in Collins. For a small price you get to do a Hayride (no hay involved) around the farm, then you get to do the mazes, one small, and the 8 acre eagle. Paige and Hudson wanted to lead us through the mazes (Mary Ann and I finally got smart and sent them ahead a ways to see if it was truely a path or if it was blocked). 2 kids are fine, my sister and I are exhausted. I swear we turned an 8 acre maze into a 16 acre hike. Much fun was had though. After the mazes (if you survive:o) you get to pick out a pumpkin at the end. The kids had a great time picking out their pumpkins and naming them. Then believe it or not they still had energy to play on the playground the Mitchell's have set up, and really enjoyed touring all the old buildings they have on the place. And the most amazing part of the whole trip, not once did I hear Mommy I am huuuungry. I even offered the kid food and a drink and he turned me down. I hope I have the right child, because he is always asking for or eating food.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Random Musings

H has been sick with a stomach bug (that he got at school) so he has missed school for 2 days. I have gotten phone calls from the school about him being marked absent. I know he was absent, I am the one that lives with and takes care of him. A 5 yr old can get some things past me, but I just don't see him missing school without me knowing. But just in case call in the early a.m. to check with me, so I can find him and ground him till he graduates high school. To much can happen by 3 p.m.(the time I have been called the past 2 days.) And to really top it off the answering machine has picked up both times because I was not home. Thursday I was at lunch with some friends (C and H were at home, but asleep.) And today my parents had a small emergency that I had to tend to, so H was at my sister's babysitters house til C could get off work. My sister has one awesome babysitter. Thanks so much Mrs D. She took great care of my child for me and we have not even met yet.

Be careful what you wish for.......Remember the last post where I said I would like to sleep in some,......well that was the night that H woke up at 1 in the a.m. throwing up....needless to say we did not get much sleep.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Busy, Busy

After all the errands and a little laundry got done yesterday, H & I went to a fall festival with S & A last night. We had a blast, H had so much fun doing all the jumps and slides. The elephant and horse ride were a big hit, I must love riding (or at least sitting on extremely large animals,) that is my 2nd elephant ride in a week and half.(I have also sat on a Brahma Bull) and I have pictures to prove this. Just a little touched in the head I guess.;0 And I always thought I did not like heights. L O L So we kind of had a late night but nothing must interfere with Weds. workouts.(Scrapbooking), after that I spent 4 hrs. waiting at the Dr's office and left there and went straight to TKD for that Weds. workout. I intend to sleep in some in the morning. ( at least til 6:30) then I will get my day going.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Back to the Daily Life

Loved the get away, but so don't love spending the day after I get home doing all the laundry. Had some errands that had to be done today, and for some reason the washer just won't do the clothes when I am not here, so I am trying to do as much as I can before we head out to the fall festival tonight. Ya'll I just figured out the dryer will actually dry the clothes if you mash that button on the top marked START....might could get more done that way;0

Sunday, October 19, 2008


We got some sightseeing in today. We did the Aquarium and the Children's Discovery Museum, after the Aquarium H and I did our first Horse & Carriage ride. The ride went through several blocks of downtown Chattanooga. It was really neat. H is a good traveler and really loves to get in sightseeing and playing.

Ok, I DID NOT feed my son and I Ben & Jerry's for lunch today, and we absolutely did not enjoy it either. Good thing our trip consisted of alot of walking or those trips to Ben & Jerry's might start to add up.

For anyone that wants a nice get away Chattanooga is the place to go, there is so much to do from the Aquarium, Childrens Museum, Lookout Mt., Ruby Falls, and so much more.

Tomorrow we head home, it is fun to travel but it is even better to come home. Pray for safe travel for us and pray for the rest of our group from the academy that will be traveling home Tuesday.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

We Did It

OK ya'll today was the big day. Tournament day for H and I, and boy did it start early. My round was at 8:15 Chattanooga time(7:15 home time). I brought home the bronze medal in sparring. I could not believe it. H's round was at 2:00 this afternoon and he won the silver medal in forms. We have had the most awesome time. The black belt demos and rounds were very interesting to witness. If you had told me 5 months ago that I would be participating in a tournament let alone doing TKD I would have thought you had lost your mind, but I absolutely love doing TKD, I have lost weight, feel younger, feel better, and my confidence is growing. Needless to say H and I will be doing this again.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Made It

We arrived, unloaded the car , parked the car, got to the room. Already been to Ben & Jerry's, did eat supper 1st, (hey I am the Mom, I'm supposed to set an example, otherwise it would have been ice cream 1st.) We did eat our ice cream while walking back to the hotel. I love staying downtown we can walk to everything. Trip was great, we just trucked right on up the road.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Water Fun

Hey Mommy Watch This is what I hear as I am trying to get packed. I look up and my son has my dish gloves out (since you don't use them, mommy) and is creating water balls and gloves as he calls them and squirts water everywhere. He is having the time of his life and hey my floor is about to get cleaned. That is one way to get it done and he is not glued to the T.V. screen. But the water people will be thrilled when they see that bill. LOL

Getting Ready

Okay guys I am asking prayers of safe travel for H and I and the rest of the gang from the Academy, we are leaving 1st thing in the morning to head to Chattanooga for the TKD tournament. A serious case of the nerves started for me yesterday, and my time is at 8:15 SATURDAY morning, thats a long time for a case of the nerves. Please pray for calmness and that I ACTUALLY REMEMBER my moves. H is calm and very confident. "I know my stuff." as he says. I will take the laptop with me so that I can update and let everyone know what is happening.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Could Not believe my eyes

For the 1st time since Hurricane Katrina, I sat in a gas line waiting to get gas. We were going to my parents house today and ended up going up 49 N and the Gas Wars are a raging just above Interstate 59 ya'll. I only use Chevron or Exxon (just cause that is what Daddy said do and I am definitly a Daddy's girl.) And the Chevron had gas for.........2.57 a gal. yup, 2.57 a gal that is not a typo. I had C whip out the camera to take a pic. And we were not the only ones with cameras or patiently sitting in line for gas. LOL. It is sad when people whip out the cameras and take pics of the gas prices.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Could become a habit

H and I have not left the house today. Oh what a wonderful day. We played with the moon sand, video games, watched Scooby movies, took another nap, played the wii and picked up a little around the house. In other words we did what ever we wanted to do without going anywhere. I asked H this morning what he wanted to do and he said he wanted to stay home, and stay in his p.j.'s , I said are you sure, and he said yea. So, being a cool (lol) mom I said done deal. H told me how much fun it was to "play moon sand with you, mommy." I just might start making a lazy weekend tradition every once in a while. Too much FUN.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Doing Nothing

H and I have decided that we would lay down and take a nap today. It sure was a nice nap. When we woke up we just laid in bed and watched "The Shaggy Dog" on Toon Disney. It was so nice not to do anything except lay there and laugh with my son. We had gotten to the point where we are on the go so much that it is hard to just enjoy each other. And better yet we have decided that we are staying home all day tomorrow. My car my go into withdrawals if she doesn't get to leave the garage, but we will make up for that next week.

C (my husband) and I took H to the circus last night. It was in town for 2 days, it was a last minute decision to go, but we had a blast. H and I rode the elephant. I will put up pics when I can get them loaded onto the computer. H also rode the camel and ponies. On the way home late last night H called his Papaw and Granny L and told them all about his trip to the circus and riding the animals. When he gets off the phone he says ..... Thank you, mommy for taking me to the circus, and riding the elephant with me and letting me ride the camel, and ponies. You are the awesomest mommy! Oh thats what memories are made of.

I'm It

I have been tagged by Erin to name 7 things you may not know about me.

1. My Daddy named me. It was a name he liked.

2. My life is so different then I ever thought it would be. I am absolutely enjoying it.

3. I am trying my best to become a little more tech savy.

4. I like to get things done.

5. I am a card toting Native American. My name is on the Cherokee Nation roll.

6. I prefer a good book over the T.V.

7. I seem to like to learn new things.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Good Grief

On the way to immediate care I made a stop where my friend S met me to pick up H, she kept him while I went to the Dr., After I got out of my car I went to close my door and heard this loud thump, turned around to look and H was sitting in the drivers seat of my car with a stunned look on his face and then just started crying. He had crawled over the seat to climb out behind me (a nono for this very reason, and he has not done this in over a year.) and got hit on the head by the window of the car. Everything seemed fine so S took him onto her house, while there he started to complain about his belly hurting, so when I called to tell her I was done she told me what was going on and we agreed for her to met me at the Dr's to get him seen about. A different Dr. saw him and said he is ok but gave me a list of things to watch for just in case things get worse. But after a lite supper and warm bath he is in bed asleep. Boy O Boy do we keep things lively around here. Hope not quite so lively in the future.

Only gets Better

The toe is not broken. The Doc said so just after he picked himself up off the floor from laughing. To save myself some embarassment, when the nurse asked what was wrong I told her I caught my toe on the floor while playing....(not a lie...just not the whole truth). So Doc walks in (knows my family) (and my gracefulness :0) and proceeds to ask me how I caught my toe on the floor. I then told him how, about playing dodge ball at TKD. I don't know which suprised him more, me doing TKD or playing dodge ball. Of course when he came back in from looking at the x-rays he did some martial art moves from the hallway and I told him to bring it on. LOL He said I could hurt him and that was why he was in the hallway. So just a bad bruise, he said to get some steel toe kicks.LOL So should be fine for tournament.

Only Me

OK now on to the good stuff. Graceful just does not belong in the same sentence with my name. Last night at TKD (remember tournament) we were playing dodge ball (yep, you read right) and I stubbed a toe on the mat. We are not sure, but it may be broken how Lovely. Now you know why I have never been into a lot of physical activity....if someone can get hurt, it will be me. And my poor child got an overdose of my genes...the other afternoon I noticed some new bruises on his legs and I asked him what happened and he said they were on the playground when he tripped ACORN (gotta Luv it.) H has fallen at school nearly everyday, his poor legs need a rest and a chance to recover.

Monday, October 6, 2008

One of those days

You ever have one of those days when you just go HMMMMMMM. Well today is one of those days for me. One of those when I soul search. I have had a couple of different people tell me some things today, in a way they kinda tie into each other (and this is when they do not know what is going on with the other.) They both have to do with my son. In one a situation arose that I thought I HAD to CONTROL (my 1st mistake) & someone told me that I tend to be too strict with H. (not the only one to say this). They are right, I know that and I can admit that and appreciate the HMMMMMMMMMMMMM moment, so I am going to let my son be 5 and try to be a better mom, a job I dearly LOVE. So if either one of you do happen upon this you know who you are and THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Thought I was paying attention

As we drove into our neighborhood yesterday, my son and I had a conversation...that I thought went like this.....Mom that was a cute dog, when can we get one for inside the house. Me..when we are home enough to tend to it sweetie, momma just not home enough. H.... ok so when I graduate college then high school we can get a puppy...Me-we will have to see, but maybe. End of conversation. Simple I thought, until this morning when I over hear this conversation....Daddy when I graduate high school and then college mommy said I can live here, I won't have to work.....Daddy(being very practical) said what will you do for money. H..I have enough to take care of mommy and then when that runs out I will work.

Hey, I was trying to put off getting an I will have a grown son with me (at least I won't have to housebreak him!!!!) At least he will take care of me!!! Must be doing something right

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Another Day More Laughs

Another busy day in the life. Haircut....pays to have a stylist for a sister, even if she is supposed to be on maternity leave...sons TKD class, where I shut my leg in the car door(I don't have a clue.), a manicure, my TKD class....home to change and grab my niece P. I promised to take the girl for a girls day out (lunch and shopping), she wanted to take H (my son) and he said sure. Spent a couple hours at the mall. Shopped for just a little while (she knew what she wanted) so then we played. They said they wanted to do the bungee jump and me being the cool, hip Mom and Aunt said Cm'on, so they jumped and jumped and flipped and flipped laughing all the way. The next treat was a Decaf Latte and Pretzels for them, they had a blast. Thought they were so grown up. Have to plan another day soon. Too much Fun

She Lies Like a Dog

The funny part about this whole Tae Kwon Do thing is I have NEVER enjoyed exercise or sports. Signed my son up to do TKD and have been sitting (pay attention here) in the lobby during his classes for a year now. Realized I had put on some weight, (shocker, I know) and tried but just couldn't lose it. Ended up not sleeping for a whole weekend with a hip that hurt. So was talking with my very good friend S about how desperate I was to lose weight so that my hip wouldn't bother me so much...(who am I kidding, I wanted to look better too.) She mentioned that Mr G. (TKD Instructor) said TKD would help me with flexibility and to lose weight. Now being a good friend she topped it off with "So and So joined and she has lost 40 LBS." So the next day I did what any INSANE woman would do and signed up for TKD. Now to the Lie. I sat in Mr. G's office and looked the man in the eyes and told him I was only interested in TKD as exercise and would permanently stay a white belt (beginner). That was the end of June and I am now a Green Belt (LOL), preparing to go to tournament. Man, I am having a blast, I can't remember ever feeling better or looking better for that matter. The only thing that TKD hasn't helped with is my Craziness. But as someone wise said " You can't have your cake and eat it, too!"

What was I thinking

The problem is I wasn't thinking....... I signed up to participate in the ITA World Championships, ya'll it just dawned on me that says WORLD, not just a few people from a few states.....but WORLD. Anyhow, I am going and am going to have fun. That said, I am asking for prayers, for safe travel for me and my son(also the rest of our gang going from our Academy). Ya'll I hope I don't embarass my son, myself, or my instructors.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Muffin, Anyone

A normal day in the life goes......create blog, have such a blast that you forget about TKD class and realize you are going to be you rush to nuke a muffin (a girl's got to eat), haul everything to the car, realize you forgot something throw everything into drivers seat of said car run into the house to get forgotten back out to the car throw everything out of drivers seat into the passenger seat, hop in, back out of garage, realize you brought food, hunt for said food and then realize that you are sitting on it........LOL. Needless to say I did not have to chew very much....At least in was in a paper towel so I did not end up wearing it to embarassing.

Newbie On the Loose

Ok here goes. Like I don't have enough going on in my LIFE right now I thought I would start a blog. I am a Mother, Wife, Daughter, Jesus Loving, Tae Kwon Do(ing) ( I know I verbed it, just deal.), Scrapbooker.

My life at times is a LITTLE crazy. I live with a 5yr old son, husband of 17 yrs, and our very BLONDE Dog (male). Hence the craziness in my Life.