Sunday, July 26, 2009

Oh Man, did it fly by.

Wow, I can't believe that it has been 2 mths since I have posted. Wow time flies. But we have done alot around here too. Our days have been packed. For a recap:

H and I went to Flagstaff, AZ for 7 wonderful days, we played in the pool, played mini golf, watched movies, went to the Lowell Observatory, went to Williams, AZ and rode the train to the Grand Canyon and walked the rim of the canyon, and did site seeing on the way out and back, so it made a nice 2 week vacation. And fun was had. Lots of it. I will try to post some pics later.

Since being home we are still playing in the pool and doing TKD and spending time with family and friends, so much to do and so little time to do it in.

I am now in the process of doing my lesson plans for homeschooling, have lots of neat ideas and fun things to do. Cannot wait to get some of this started. Got the classroom set up and ready to rock and roll for this year, still tweaking a few things, but will figure it out as we go.

Now onto TKD, still in the instructor training program and absolutely loving it. I love that the kids flock to me even when I am sitting in the lobby as H's Mom. They will come up to me to give me a hug and want me to tie their belts. It is neat. We have had another tournament, this one in Birmingham, and H got a bronze medal in forms, and I got bronze in free design. But let me tell you the ladies 35 and over group for blue and sr. blue ROCKs, we had 10 or 11 women in one ring, and let me tell you it was one tough group. Met some new people and enjoyed ourselves alot.

Hope to be able to spend some more time with family and friends before the schools start here in a couple of weeks. Enjoy the rest of your summer. We Are!!!

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