Sunday, May 24, 2009


Boy time is is already the end of May. Wow I can't believe that...time flies, whether you are having fun or not. Alot has happened around here.....have been so busy with some things that HAVE to be DONE now, we all know what that is like. Got all that done now hope to be able to work out a new normal around here! A new routine, one that will allow H and I to have some more "beautiful days" together. That is the phrase I heard several times this evening...H would say "Mommy today was a beautiful day wasn't it (it rained all day) we got to spend time playing together...Mommy it was a beautiful day. I Love you!!" Man doesn't that make your heart does mine. I intend to have alot more days like today.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Praying for you all to enjoy the beautiful days! I haven't seen you in a while... hope all is well!